Federal Government Employees Housing Authority – Jobs 2022
Civil Govt workers Housing Authority Islamabad Jobs 2022 FGEHA rearmost Add which is lately given and announcement of a job occasion that needs to be filled by the aspirants for the posts of( Deputy Assistant Director( BS- 16), Assistant( BS- 15), Cashier( BS- 14), Sub mastermind( Civil/ E/ M)( BS- 14), Data Entry Operator( BS- 14), Steno typist( BS- 14), UDC( BS- 11) Gardawar( BS- 11), elderly Surveyor( BS- 11), LDC( BS- 09), Patwar( BS- 09), Security Guard Supervisor( BS- 07), motorist( BS- 05), Duplicate Machine Operator( BS- 05), Naib Qasid( BS- 02), Security Guard( BS- 01), Chowkidar( BS- 02)).
The appointment of the below government jobs will be done on a regular base. An aggregate of 46 vacuities is vacant to be applied in FGEHA Jobs 2022. The aspirants will be given a seductive payment package will be given to the campaigners.
The above-mentioned positions are of “All Punjab Basis” and the applicants can be posted at any station in Pakistan.
Applicants working in Government / Semi-Government Departments should apply through proper channel along with requisite N.O.C. from the competent authority
Application on Plain Paper with attested photocopies of academic records le degrees certificates etc. and experience certificates, domicile, computerized ID card. A driving License and two recent photographs must be attached.
Applicants must mention the Category (A to G) for which they are applying against the post.
Separate application form for the separate post will be entertained.
Incomplete applications or those received without an application on plain paper after the due date
not be entertained and will be rejected.
The recruitment will be made by the Contract Appointment Policy/ Recruitment Policy, 2004 amended dated 09/03/2022.
After detailed scrutiny of applications, only shortlisted candidates shall be invited for test interviews through separate letters/ Card/SMS.
No TA/DA. shall be admissible for test or interview.
All the candidates shall be required to produce an original National Identity Card. domicile.
certificates and transcripts of qualifications, at the time of interview
The Department has the right to increase or decrease the number of posts or hot to fill any vacancy without any reason.
The interviews can be canceled at any time.
In case of a local holiday, the interview date will be communicated afresh